The Mattawan Area Pantry provides a distribution of food on the first and third Saturdays of every month. A large crew of wonderful volunteers makes this undertaking possible!
Each distribution
begins at 8:30am
and ends at 11:15am.
Our pantry serves
75 and 125 families at each distribution. This includes families with or without children, senior citizens, veterans and singles. To make this possible, we rely on the generosity of our volunteers and donors. Monetary donations go directly to purchasing
several tons of food monthly, as well as personal care items and other essentials.
Erin Garnaat
269.569.4299 (cell)
Mary Brown
269.668.6336 (work) 269.303.6775 (cell)
Molly Chase
Karen Farthing
Ann Ellis
Christie Enstrom-West
Joe Kaczmar
Jamie Mitchell
Tim Molnar
Barb Moyle
Beth Griffin
Board meetings are on the second Monday of every month, 5:30 pm at the Pantry. All board members are volunteers.
Copyright © MattawanAreaPantry All Rights Reserved.
Website by Mattawan Computer Club